CIFAL Istanbul, in collaboration with TOSAM and the Faculty of Law, organized “SDGs and Beyond 2: Challenges and Opportunities for the SDGs after 2030 Roundtable” on 9 November 2023 with the participation of Alex Meija, Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Mr. Alex Meija shared his experiences from his career journey to the United Nations. The roundtable focused on improving work and cooperation for the SDGs, what can be done to achieve the 2030 Agenda and how far the SDGs have progressed since 2015.
Efforts were made to ascertain the advancement status of individual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identifying those that have made notable progress and those facing critical challenges, while seeking actionable strategies to expedite their advancement. In the highly interactive and productive meeting, the question of how the process of setting new sustainable development goals can proceed after the development / achievement of the goals set by 2030 was discussed. It was emphasized to what extent the rapidly developing technology, which has come a long way even since 2015 when the Sustainable Development Goals were set, can contribute to the process after 2030.